Free Carers Networking Lunch
19 August 2022
16th September 2022
11am to 1pm
At Maidenhead Library | St Ives Rd | Maidenhead | SL6 1QU
Chat with fellow Carers over lunch and a drink:
- Meet others in a similar situation
- Share your experiences
- Talk through issues and ways of coping
- Learn about community resources
- Get practical information, advice and guidance
We will kickstart the session with fun seated exercises!
This forum is open to all carersaged 18 and above.
For further information contact:
Email: dulsey.tapera@RBWM.gov.uk
Phone: 07795 207619
A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid for a friend or family member who is unable to cope without this support, due to disease, disability, mental illness, or addiction. Caring for someone can take a few hours a week to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Community Lives customers get together for a Planning Day.
Community Lives customers get together for a Planning Day.