People’s Forum Autumn 2022
10 November 2022
Loddon Court Outreach and Respite Service meet with the people they support 4 times a year, at the People’s Forum. This is a great way to involve people in shaping the service they receive. Alongside this, a Parents’ Forum offers Loddon Court Family Carers a chance to find out what is going on and offer their views.
On 13th September, Loddon Court held their first People’s Forum as Optalis. 27 people attended the meeting, held in a community space in Earley. The meeting was chaired by Jay Dudakia, our very own Customer Experience Assistant.
The first item on the Easy Read agenda was, ‘what’s working’ and ‘not working’ at Loddon Court. The group were supported to share their views and experiences, since the service transferred to Optalis. The group then discussed plans for the next 3 months. They had lots of ideas including, introducing new social activities and plans for a big Christmas party. Mirna (the service manager) also provided some important updates about the service.

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