CQC inspection says START is GOOD in all categories
14 April 2017
We are pleased to announce that the Optalis Short-Term Assessment and Reablement Team (START) which provides reablement and assessment to individuals in their own homes has received a rating of ‘Good’ in every category by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following an inspection on 13 March.
The START team is part of the Wokingham Integrated Social Care and Health Team (WISH) and works with other members of the WISH team to promote the well-being of adults with care and support needs. The service aims to help people retain and regain their independence so that they can manage everyday activities and continue to live safely within their own homes as far as possible.
The CQC spoke with customers and relatives who said that people were treated with respect and their privacy and dignity was promoted. One relative said, "The staff are thoughtful and caring. They pass on their concerns to us and they are easy to communicate with." Another said, their relative responded really well to the staff member's soft and understanding approach." Feedback was so positive it led to the staff member being awarded Optalis 'best customer compliment' for the month.
Community professionals also said they thought the service supported people to maintain good health, have access to healthcare services and receive ongoing healthcare support.
START registered manager Sharon Cowie said, “Achieving this excellent result was a team effort and is testament to their hard work and dedication.”
To read the report in full, please click on the link here.
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