Care provider celebrates Good in all registered services after CQC inspection!
04 January 2022
Optalis Maidenhead Supported Living Service were delighted to receive a “good” CQC rating in all areas. This is the first inspection for this newly registered service with a newly registered manager, Leigh Horton. The team have been working hard over the past year to continue to develop and improve the service, despite the challenges and additional pressures faced during the pandemic.
The Supported Living Service provides care and support to 31 adults with learning disabilities, so that they can live in their own home, as independently as possible. Helen Woodland, Director of Provider Services explained,
“Leigh, Jane and the entire staff team were able to demonstrate the quality, care and excellent support customers receive and showcase to the inspector the great work they do. The CQC journey is never an easy one, but what this has shown us is the whole team are committed, hardworking and motivated to give their best."
Optalis have been focused on improving quality across its services, with the implementation of a strengthened Governance and Quality Assurance Team in 2017, who began work to improve quality in all services – those registered with CQC as well as day support and supported living. After a thorough audit, policies were reviewed to verify they were current. Processes were streamlined. Action plans, training sessions, and a ‘lessons learned' framework were created to ensure employee understanding. A regular audit programme was designed to monitor and review services to ensure the highest standards.
This work led to services improving across the board. Within regulated services, for example, CQC compliance rose from 40% in April 2018 to 100% of services rated “Good” this year. Beating the national average of 85% of providers rated good or outstanding.
Inspectors visited the service in November and remarked on the caring approach staff offered. With the report highlighting,
“We observed staff were compassionate and showed genuine care towards people.” And “Staff used Makaton sign language to a high level of skill which empowered people to express themselves and be involved in decisions about their care.”
A family carer shared feedback on their loved one’s support, they said,
"I can't fault it. The way they are encouraged to speak up, take part in activities, and help themselves. Every aspect of their life, staff help them participate in, and it's a big marvellous place. I have absolute faith, as the staff have been with [my family member] for years." A resident added “"They are lovely, and they do my birthday too…the staff are wonderful"
Leigh Horton Registered Manager adds,
“This has been a true team effort, beginning with Jane Bartlett, Head of Regulated Services, who mentored me to become the manager I am today, and continuing with the Quality Team, who ensure that I am able to measure, analyse, and incorporate improvements. But most importantly, my team on the ground, who provide exceptional support on a daily basis. It's fantastic to have achieved this result, but we’re ambitious and continuously searching for ways to improve, so we won’t sit back and relax."
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