Ace@Optalis is top of the class!
22 June 2017
The Ace@Optalis course involves students attending Trinity Court at Optalis and participating in group training sessions, weekly 1-1 meetings with a job coach, goal setting, vocational profiling, managing stress, interview practice, travel training, work experience and paid work in partnership with local businesses and organisations such as South Hill Park, Tesco, ASD Family Help, Westmead Day Services, Forest and Maiden Erlegh Schools.
Donna Morgans, Supported Employment Service Manager said, “I’m extremely proud of this year’s Ace@Optalis students; throughout this year we have seen our students’ confidence increase, their belief in their abilities grow and their transition from college into work has truly been inspirational.”
The students were presented with graduation certificates by Wokingham Borough’s Mayor, Cllr Rob Stanton at the Optalis office at Trinity Court on 20 June with speeches from Michelle Parks, Life Skills Director at Reading College and Roger Prew one of our student’s fathers who talked about the course from a family perspective.
Liz Cooley from Forest School said, “Giving students the opportunity to do work experience at school has been worthwhile for students, staff and pupils alike. Three students have permanent jobs at the school and others have gained employment elsewhere. I urge other employers to give it a go. We will continue to offer opportunities at Forest for Optalis students.”
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