Customer story - Alexandra Place
Honesty, trust and a journey towards wellbeing
Sharon* came to live at Alexandra Place last year, following a referral from the hospital. At the point when she moved in she was not looking after herself. Her mental state was poor, as was her physical health. At first, Sharon would not engage with the support provided by Alexandra Place. She would cancel care calls or simply avoid the team.
The Deputy Manager and colleagues worked hard to build a rapport with Sharon, and with that rapport came trust in the team to provide the help she needed.
It wasn’t long before the care team were flagging concerns about the conditions Sharon was living in. Her personal needs and hygiene were being neglected and her health conditions were not being managed. She was falling regularly, resulting in the need to call in the paramedics to assist her.
The Deputy Manager who had a good relationship with Sharon, spoke frankly with her about what needed to change. We suggested getting a team of people around her to help get her right, and she accepted this.
With her agreement, the Deputy Manager made a referral to several agencies and professionals to ensure Sharon got the help she needed. An OT provided her with equipment that enabled care staff to assist Sharon in the event of a fall. Preserving her dignity and preventing the need to call on the emergency services.
The team supported Sharon to move into new accommodation within the building, which was going to be better suited to her.
They also worked closely with her family, to ensure that everyone was working together to ensure Sharon’s quality of life improved.
Sharon is now at the point where she is leaving the building, going out with her family and often gets involved in events held within Alexandra Place.
With the care team’s persistence and caring approach, they were able to get through to Sharon and ensure she got the help she needed. The team worked at Sharon’s pace and treated her with respect at all times. Through the positive encouragement of the team she has had a boost to her confidence, and overall this has made a big impact on her health and overall well-being.