Supported Housing
This easy guide talks about 'background support' in simple words and pictures

Optalis staff give background support at two Supported Housing Services, called Hillside and Oakfield Court.

Background support is support which is there to help you keep your tenancy agreement.
A tenancy agreement is a contract between you (the tenant) and the owner of the property (your landlord).

We provide on-site background support. This means that the support is provided where you live, and not in and around your community.

We are person centred. This means that the way we help you will depend on what support you want and need. However, we can only help with certain tasks.

These are some of the things that are included in background support:
1. Understanding any official letters or emails that you receive

2. Filling in forms (for example, applying for a bus pass)

3. Making any health appointments

4. Making referrals (for example, asking for your care needs to be looked at by a social worker)

5. Managing any of your support arrangements

6. Giving you reminders, for example to take your medication or that an important date is coming up

7. Making complaints and helping you to sort out problems

8. Emotional support

9. Making housing related payments

10. Arranging for repairs needed to your home (inside and outside)

11. Helping to sort out neighbour disagreements

The background support on offer at night is limited to emergencies only. An emergency can be anything that is serious enough not to wait until the morning. It may be making you feel unsafe or put someone else at risk.

You may have a care provider to help you with the things that are not covered by background support. Things like, helping you to get washed and dressed, making meals or cleaning your home. We can help to make sure all your care and support needs are met.