Supported Employment Service

This easy guide talks about how we can help you look for a job, volunteering, work experience or a training course in simple words and pictures.

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We can support you to look for a job, volunteering, work experience or a training course.

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We will ask you to come for an assessment where you can tell us about what you would like to do. We will ask you questions so that we get to know about you and the type of job you want.

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You can tell us whether you want to do:

  • Paid Work
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  • Voluntary work
  • A training course
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We will make a list of other people who support you so that we can all work together.

Form Staff Support

You will have meetings with a Job Coach who will help you make an Action Plan. This is a written plan that shows you how you are going to achieve your goal.

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Your Job Coach will be able to support you at work.

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Your Job Coach will help you to write your CV (a list of what you are good at and what jobs you have done before).

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You will also be able to come to our Job Clubs, where you will get advice on:

  • how to look for a job
  • how to apply for a job
  • what to do when you go for an interview
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If you want to go to college or do a voluntary job, we will help with that too.

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If you are worried about looking for a job, we will work with you to help you feel more confident.

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Once you feel that you can do your job by yourself, your Job Coach will keep in touch to make sure that everything is going well.


We can help you talk to your employer if there are any problems.

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We will always make sure that the employment support we give you is right for you.

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If you would like to get support with finding work, volunteering or training please contact: